Review: Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre (Signet Classics)Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Brontë

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jane Eyre / 0-451-52655-4

A lot of classics contain a superb message that is unfortunately hidden under a vernacular that is hard for modern readers to wade through, but "Jane Eyre" still flows easily to our ears and eyes, and the plot is gripping and suspenseful.

For her time period, Jane is an incredibly strong character: insisting upon the protections of legal marriage to her beloved, striking out on her own rather than remaining in a compromising position, and refusing to accept as a suitor an overbearing and exhausting missionary who claims to have the power of God behind his earnest suit. She is incredibly brave to take up a post as governess in a strange land, never during her courtships does she lose sight of her own self, and her final decision to return to and care for her lost love is an inspiration.

Throughout the easy-to-read prose, we can enjoy this story as a wonderfully romantic tale of a strong and stubborn heroine who refused to settle for anything less than total happiness.

~ Ana Mardoll

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