Recommends: The Question of Susan

There is a REALLY GOOD post on Slacktivist about Susan Pevensie, with two different sides being presented. Link here.


Patrick Knipe said...

Seconded re: good post. Dang. The dual presentation worked really well in this aspect.

chris the cynic said...

When I saw that there was a Susan post at Slacktiverse I thought that you, Ana, had written it. Not that I object to the awesome of a Kit-Hapax collaboration in the least.

Ana Mardoll said...

I know! It was so exciting seeing someone else talk about it like that.

Lonespark said...

That post was really fantastic and I wish we'd been talking about that for the past many days.

It's always interesting to think about what we bring to the reading experience that influences our opinions of the work. I tend toward pretty a pretty hardcore Watsonian approach as a...first pass, I guess. I like the idea of reading literature on multiple levels that hapax brought up. It's pretty much inescapable for complex texts, especially sacred ones.. Anyway, my always wanting in-universe consideration for things that happen is foiled by things like transparent allegory. And twenty-three years later, I remember pretty much nothing about what happened in TLB, but I remember clearly the wee-Lonespark rage induced by someone inecting blatant Christian propaganda in my faery tale.

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